The calling of the wild.
“ The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its nets of wonder forever.” Jacques Cousteau
June 2021. First trip to Kéa…
June 2021. Extract from my journal.
It is an early summer morning. The sky feels like a moving canvas, filled with hues of vaporous white clouds chasing the sun, in a voluptuous tango of light and shadow. The air is fresh and mellow, charged with iodine and salt. I am standing on the deck of the ferry boat gazing at the infinite Mediterranean as Lavrio port slowly fades away into the dancing waves, becoming an imperceptible flutter on the surface of the horizon. The moment is silent and still. Despite the roaring turbines, the wind blowing loudly in the Greek flag above my head, I can’t hear a thing. I can only feel my heart pounding in my chest. A little faster. A little stronger.
I dive my eyes into the liquid shades of blue, embracing the different variations of this navy deep, indigo moment. The intensity of the colours is surreal; it reminds me of an overexposed Klein painting. Brushed all over the deep layers of the infinite liquid surface. The one-hour journey feels like a moment out of time; I can feel myself diving into the hypnotizing scenery, surrendering to the flow of the liquid surface beneath my feet, grounding myself in the imbalance, whilst allowing my senses to arouse, breathing slowly, inhaling each infinitesimal sensation deeply as the moment unfolds, gracefully.
Suddenly, I see the blurred contours of the island slowly emerging, gradually becoming clearer, closer.
Kea. Here you are.
I am struck with the wilderness of your panorama: The naked hills and their magnificent olive trees, improbably rooted along the escarpments of the rock, plunging into the sea. The majestic pine trees alongside the seashore, gracefully protecting the exuberant expression of the unapologetically lush oleanders and bougainvillea. The small fishing boats at the port, sparkling their bright colours on the surface of the water, whilst the seagulls punctuate the infinity of the sky… All is raw. All is organic. All is spontaneous. All is real. At this moment, I know. I just know. And suddenly, I feel a deep wave of serenity overwhelm me.
I am at the right place. Here and now. Kea. Home.